Interactivity & Installation

Monday, February 7, 2011

Amnesia Connect

Amnesia Connect from Amnesia Razorfish on Vimeo.

Following months of research and development, Amnesia Razorfish has replaced the typical ‘send and receive’ interface with a more natural ‘gesture-based’ interface. A smartphone owner can now move their content freely between two devices by simply dragging content off their phone onto a Microsoft Surface Table and back onto another device instantly.

Amnesia Connect works with all Apple IOS devices and is being further developed to work seamlessly with Android, Windows Phone and Blackberry Smartphones.

Read the full press release here:

Released on Sun, Jan 16, 2011 9:30pm EST (Eastern Standard Time)

As seen as concept development on an earlier post in September, many institution / corporations has pushed and materialized the technologies in a short time.