A good electronic store in Sham Shui Po
It is ashamed that there are not many stores in Hong Kong providing great services. WECL is not one of them, despite it is located in a rather poor neighborhood in Apliu Street, Sham Shui Po. There are many street hawkers on the street and all sorts of electronic stores along both sides. Check out photos of Apliu Street on flicker.
The store is well organized and the stuff are and helpful. I believe the management of WECL has done a good job and deserved much kudos for them; I hope more retailers in Hong Kong would follow suit.
Store details below:
G/F & 1/F, 201 Apliu Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon.
Hotline: (852) 3182 0888 Fax: (852) 3182 0808
Email: cs@wecl.com.hk