'Frankencamera': A Giant Leap For Digital Photos?
According to Computer science professor Marc Levoy of Stanford, these are just a couple of examples of how programmers could change the future of photography with the Frankencamera. The key is that the camera uses a Linux operating system. All digital cameras are essentially minicomputers, says Levoy, and they can be modified a bit by the photographer. But the manufacturer determines what features are available. Linux is "open source," which means the camera owner can change everything about the electronic guts.
Still, the Frankencamera is only a prototype at the moment. Presumably, it will become smaller and more elegant over time. But Levoy says his team is not planning to try to compete with Canon or Nikon. "Our goal is not to make a product. Our goal is to try and push traditional camera makers to incorporate more of these flexible ways of producing images in their cameras."
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